Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm Already 8 Months Old!

I went for my check-up today. I had to get 3 shots. I was super brave and only cried for a little bit. I weigh 18 pounds and I'm 28 1/4 inches tall. The nurse says that means I am tall and skinny. Oh well, I eat as much as I can and I LOVE my bottles. I am such a happy boy, I love playing with my big sister and sometimes I wish I could move around like she does. But for now, I just like sitting and watching. I haven't even tried to crawl or pull up on stuff - there's so much to see if I just sit in one spot! I still love to give kisses and cuddle. Oh, and I like to receive kisses too!

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Anonymous said...


Would love to enjoy some of those cuddles and kisses for myself!

Mimi M

Anonymous said...

Oh what a handsome little man!!

Anonymous said...

Kingston, you have your Daddy's hair color when he was that age!
