Friday, November 14, 2008

So Lately . . .

...I've been enjoying my homeade fruit and veggie baby food. This is what they looked like before they got washed, baked, smooshed, cubed, and frozen. yum!

I've also learned how to grab anything I can reach - this list is always growing and includes the following:
sissy's hair,
lamps, glasses,
Mom's entire plate at the restaurant,
and anything that will make noise if I shake it.

Check out my sweet hat!

Look at my artwork! I love "painting by hand"
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1 comment:

George and Krista said...

Hi Shawnee,

Your kiddos are so cute! I check your blog periodically to see what you all are up to. I've been making Gracie's baby food too...much cheaper and seems like it would taste better. Last night, I was whirling up peas while the carrots finished cooking and next thing I know, the carrots ran out of water in the pan and were scorched to the bottom. I blended them up anyway as I caught it pretty quickly. They had just a faint smoked flavor to them. :) Have a wonderful day!
